Seniors celebrate Decision Day
Students, staff cheer as seniors march through the hallways
Seniors celebrate their choices after graduation as underclassmen and staff cheer.
As the school year comes to an end, students begin to get excited for their summer vacations, but seniors are looking farther down the road as they prepare to head off to college or vocational training. To celebrate, BRHS seniors marched in a parade on Decision Day on May 11. Staff and students lined the hallways, cheering and shooting confetti as the seniors walked by holding signs and wearing gear displaying their post-secondary choices. Seniors looked happy and nervous while walking with their classmates for the last four years.
Many students are staying in New York but a few are venturing to other states such as California and Georgia.
Below is a breakdown of post-secondary choices for the class of 2023:
Monroe College: 10 students; Hostos Community College, nine students; Hunter College: eight students; Lehman College: six students; Bronx Community College: four students; BMCC: four students; Coop Tech: eleven students; Apex: 1 student; Baruch College: four students; SUNY Oneonta: one student; Queens College: two students; City College: eight students; York College: one student; Buffalo State: one student; College of Staten Island: two students; Georgia State: one student; John Jay College: four students; California University: one student; Maritime College: two students; SUNY Delhi: one student; SUNY Old Westbury: two students; Mercy College: two students; City Tech: two students and Gutman College: one student.

Cesar Jimenez has been selected as a Press Pass NYC fellow for the 2024-2025 school year and a CLARIFY news intern for City Limits this summer. He hopes...