The students in Aimee Cavazzi’s art class selected junior Hashan Chowdhury as the artist of the month. He shares his views on art below:

Q: How long have you been creating art?
A: I started creating art since I was a child because art always had my best interest in it.
Q: What inspired/inspires you to create art?
A: My sister inspires me to create art because I always saw her drawing and I wanted to be an artist like her.
Q: How does creating art make you feel? Explain?
A: Creating art makes me feel good because it helps me explain my feelings without using words.
Q: Who is your favorite artist? Why?
A: My sister Jannatul Chowdhury is my favorite artist because she is great at art and she has been creating artwork 15 years ago.
Q: When it comes to art, what is your preferred tool? Explain?
A: When it comes to art I prefer to use paint, carbon material and digital art because it’s easier to draw with than paint.
Q: Did you learn how to draw or did you just always knew how?
A: I always knew how to draw because I mostly saw my sister draw.
Q: What would you say is your general skill range?
A: I would say it’s 9/10 in a certain category of art.
Q: Is there anything you have trouble with in the world of art?
A: I always have trouble using water paint because it always gets mixed up and it’s hard to control the paint.
Q: What is something you see other artists do that you dislike?
A: One thing I dislike other artists do is put unnecessary details on their artwork.
Q: Do you consider pursuing art as a career or would you prefer doing it as a hobby?
A: I would love to have art as my job but I’m not sure if I would make a career out of it so It’s just my hobby.
Q: What piece of art that you’ve done, do you like the most? Why do you like it? What is its message?
A: The art I created that I like the most is a block print called “Tears and Blood of Palestine” because I want Palestine to be free and have the life they deserve. I want people to see that Palestine has been treated unfairly and so many people, especially children are being killed. “
Q: What’s your favorite type of art style? Why?
A: My favorite type of art is Graphic designing and Photoshop because I’ve been doing this for a long time and I have a lot of experience.