Many people who have watched the first Nun move looked forward to this new movie, especially because of how the last movie ended.
To recap, during “Nun 1,” there had been four major characters. These characters are The Father, known as Father Burke, Sister Irene, and Frenchie who is known as Maurice. The setting took place in Romania. In the beginning, we are introduced to one of the major, but not often seen characters, Valak. She is the evil entity tormenting all of the nuns, disguising herself as one of them. During this scene, two nuns walk up to a door that says “God Ends Here.” One of the two nuns went through, and was dragged in and killed. The other nun killed herself as a sacrifice to not be next. This news, specifically about the nun’s death was delivered to the Father, leading him to go investigate. Upon their arrival, many unpleasant things occurred, but all you need to know for “Nun 2” is that Maurice had gotten possessed by Valak in part one, and he’d been used all throughout the remainder of “Nun 2.”
In “Nun 2,” there’s a lot going on. Sister Irene is informed about a very tragic death, and she’s asked to go investigate an area since she is familiar with the situation. At first, she denied, but they really needed her, so she ended up agreeing and going with another Sister. They make their way, and it’s a school that Maurice (the Frenchie) works at. He does janitor work, but not quite. There is this group of students bullying a girl for taking a liking to Maurice, and he defends her each time. Throughout the movie, this child typically keeps an eye on her mother (who happens to be a teacher at this school), and Maurice. Since she often watches Maurice, she once saw him having a moment. In this moment, it was Valak in him trying to take control. Maurice is mostly unaware of what exactly is going on with him, but he does his best to block it out and move on. He is not aware of how dangerous this is. Valak was slowly but surely trying to break down Maurice’s spirit to take full control of him. He lived many restless nights, and would lose control of himself at random.
Maurice is foreshadowed a lot throughout “Nun 2,” and when you watch it, you’ll see how they add many little details about him that will sum up to one.
The movie is a solid 7/10: it wasn’t anything too scary. If you find yourself scared of minor things, and easily paranoid, the jump scares are not anything too serious or major to worry about either. “Nun 2” would be a great movie. It isn’t as scary as the first movie, so you won’t be up at night afraid.
