Throughout high school, students are constantly being told to start thinking about what college they want to attend or possible careers they would like to pursue. With school going by swiftly, it can be easy to get overwhelmed and worry about which colleges are within your reach. One option is to get a head start and attend college for free while in high school.
Bronx River students have a chance to do this through the school’s affiliation with College Now. Through this program, high school students can choose from a range of college courses, inluding major common core classes in math, science, and English.

If students complete the course with a grade of A, B or C, they can receive three to four college credits. These credits will then be transferable to any CUNY or SUNY college. Not only will students have the opportunity to experience a college course for free, they get college credits for it. Students have the option of attending the courses online or in person, which can be convenient for those students who would rather not travel to a different campus. And this year, students taking English 111 can actually take the college class in their high school building. The class, which meets from 3:15 to 4:45 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, has about 22 students this semester.
Junior Gabriella Pinelli, who is taking the course, says her goal is to attend a college such as Hunter, Binghamton, or Albany, and she is hoping that those schools will take notice of her decision to earn credits early. She appreciates the chance to hone her writing skills as writing is involved in almost every activity.
Professor Jessamyn Lee talked about her goals for the college class she’s teaching at BRHS. “I want to make them learn, write, improve critical thinking, public speaking, and confidence, which are skills that all future successful college students have.”
She also expects students to acknowledge the importance of completing assignments and attending the courses consistently.