Aniya LaForest

Sharlese Edwards

Sharlese Edwards

Describe what it’s like to be a Senior at BRHS this year. Have your views about being here changed because of the pandemic? It showed me how to be more independent. I had to learn to wear a mask all day.

What did you like from working from home last year? Meeting new teachers and being open-minded in classes. I didn’t have to wake up early.

What did you dislike about working from home last year? I didn’t like doing art from home.

What senior activities are you most looking forward to this year? Prom, graduation and senior trips.

Describe your most memorable experience at BRHS. The most memorable day was the first day of the Covid-19 pandemic and the school was shut down.

What advice do you have for freshmen who are just starting high school? Focus on your work. Try your best. 

What do you plan to do when you graduate this year? Study art and theater.

What will you miss about high school? I will miss the teachers and town hall.

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