Diosbeni Rojas
Volume covers of Jojo bizarre adventure part 1 volume 1 and part 5 volume 2, showcasing Araki's art.
Can you imagine reading a story and not only the story improving but also the art? Consider “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure’s” first chapter of “Phantom Blood” released on Jan. 1, 1987. “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure” was made by Hirohiko Araki, originally inspired by “Fist of the North Star” by Tetsuo Hara released in 1983; this is seen by the similar art styles in the stories. Hirohiko Araki would later change his artstyle to fit how he would write the story. “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure” currently has 190 anime episodes out and 977 chapters out; the anime consists of six parts and the manga with nine parts with the ninth part being released now.
“Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure” is one of the best anime/mangas being released right now because Araki uses not only words but art to convey feelings in the story. The story follows the Joestar family throughout different generations and different time periods, but also revisits some time periods seen in other parts. Part 1 and 7 are both set in the 1800’s but in different locations in the world; Part 1 takes place in the United Kingdom while part 7 takes place in the United States.
The art evolution is impressive because the first three and a half parts have more bulky character designs; then halfway through the fourth part and on, the character designs became more slick and there was more realism in the art, especially in later parts like part 7,8 and 9. Araki takes more inspiration from model magazines for his art and also used the poses of the models as poses for the characters on cover art and different panels.
Araki becomes a better storyteller and tells more complex and better stories because Araki is always improving his stories and characters. The seventh part, “Steel Ball Run, is well-written and one of the most interesting parts in the story. In this part the story follows Johnny Joestar, a cowboy, and he tries to learn to walk again or find a way to walk again after being paralyzed from being shot in the back after skipping this kid that was waiting all night in line and being arrogant and cocky.
But, in the story we see Johnny, with the help of Gyro Zeppeli, improve as a person and fighter. Gyro wears a purple shirt with green circular gems, a belt with hands engraved on the buckle, brown pants with lines and flaps on the side to carry his weapon of green steel balls.Gyro is someone who is trying to better his life and leave his past behind and leave his family heritage of executioners. Johnny doesn’t give up and continues to pursue his dream; he’s told he can never ride a horse again because he can’t use his legs but he still tries and is able to do horse riding. Johnny wears all blue with stars on his pants, hat and wrists. He also has a horseshoe on his hat. Through every battle they don’t give up and find solutions to win.
People should give “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure” a try because the art style is unique and the story is always developing and improving. Also the power system is unique and arguably one of the best in all of anime. The power system in the first two parts is an energy called Hamon, which is manifested energy from the human that is similar to the energy of the sun. It later changes in part 3 to Stands, which are manifestations of the users fighting spirit and life energy. Later on in part 7 a new power system is introduced called Spin, which is a state of near perfect or perfect rotation that produces a unique form of energy.