Every Wednesday from 2:40 to 4:20 p.m., students gather in room 434 to celebrate and explore culture in the Hispanic club. Led by advisors Alfa Aquino and Jemny Santana, the club provides a welcoming space for students of all backgrounds to learn, share and connect.

“We wanted to create a space where students could embrace their culture and offer non-Hispanic students a chance to learn more about Hispanic rich traditions,” said Ms. Aquino. The club’s goal is to celebrate Hispanic heritage while fostering inclusivity and cultural appreciation.
Throughout the semester, the club has hosted various activities, including cooking lessons featuring traditional dishes, holiday celebrations, and potlucks. “We’re planning a food sale in February, and we usually end the year with a restaurant trip to experience authentic cuisine,” she said.
Beyond food, the club engages students in music, dance, and discussions on important traditions. “Culture is about more than just history, she said. “It’s about community, shared experiences, and understanding each other’s backgrounds.”
By blending education with hands-on experiences, the Hispanic club offers a space where students can immerse themselves in Hispanic culture while building friendships and strengthening cultural connections.