Students and teachers prepared food and shared thoughts in advance of the school’s 13th annual Thanksgiving potluck advisory celebrations on Nov. 27.
Senior Abul Miah said, “I am grateful for family, friends, and for everything I have really.” Abul was also very excited how his advisory teacher, Adam Schwenzfeier, was planning to go all out. “I think last year he brought fried chicken or something like that.”
He also said that the best part of the past potlucks was the environment because it was just an easy day.
Andi Ndreu, a sophomore, said he would bring Fanta exotic. “It’s not available in America but I’m bringing it to the class.”
He is also grateful for his family and friends. Andi hoped to find cheese pizza at the potluck.
Nery Bonilla, a senior, said he’s grateful for “family, friends, that’s pretty much it.” He planned on bringing doughnuts, or a type of dessert. Nery hoped the peers in his advisory class would bring real food instead of junk food. He went on to say how potlucks can be improved “if people actually contributed and brought actual food like chicken.”
“I’m grateful for my friends, my family, I’m grateful that I can wake up every day and have water, have food, all that stuff,” said Myess Hammouri, a junior. “I’m going to be bringing sodas and brownies. I’m really excited for this year’s potluck; last year and the year before I didn’t really look forward to it that much but this year I’m super excited, and all my friends are bringing stuff to their potlucks.”
She added, “I think the best part of the past potlucks is honestly just the diversity; there’s a lot of different types of cultural foods and stuff.”
Kevin Feliciano, a freshman, is grateful for “family and my friends because they’ve always done everything they can to help me.” Kevin planned to bring two full liters of Dr Pepper to the potluck. He also hoped to find turkey at the potluck as it is meant to be the main dish. He also stated that, “I feel pretty great because I’ve actually never done this before so it’s going to be something new to try out.”