Bronx River High School celebrated the day before Thanksgiving with a student vs. staff volleyball game, advisory potlucks and a Town Hall celebration. The day started off with the school’s traditional Town Hall assembly featuring performers, awards and games.
To start off the performances, Jahayme Lamar, a regular performer at Town Hall, danced to “Psycho” by Red Velvet. Emalee Charles says that since she first saw Jahayme perform in her freshman year, she’s thought these performances were “awesome and definitely made Town Hall something to look forward to.”
In between performance, teachers presented students with LOGIC Awards. given to students for the following:
Love of Learning
Mr. O’s Optimism
Intellectual Curiosity
One student from each grade is given one of these awards at each Town Hall. Menatullah El Husseiny, Roua-Ibrahim Yabai, Justin Arias and Micheal Vega won the Love of Learning awards. Emely Burgos, Alexa Figueroa, Juceirys Paula and Ruben Santiago took home Mr. O’s Optimism awards. Ryan Jaquez, Mahidul Islam, Tauqir Shue and Yibely Guzman Rojas won the Grit awards. Noof Mohammed, Emely Navarro, Marie Coatl-Camacho and Miah Reyes won the Intellectual Curiosity awards. And finally, Oliver Rivera, Mia Lappe, MD Ferdous and Adian Morel received the Caring awards.
Continuing with the performances, Gabriel Joseph, another regular performer at Town Hall, sang an original song written and composed by him that made most students in the audience recreate a smaller version of a crowd wave. Joseph Vazquez, an 11th grader, says that “Gabriel’s performance was great. I think being able to step out of his comfort zone continuously is a big accomplishment.”
To make Town Hall even more exciting, the Student Council arranged a cup game with about 20 students chosen from the crowd. Reliant on fast reflexes, pairs of students competed to be the first one to grab a plastic cup.
Angelina Torres, an 11th grade who played the game, would like the school to “host more interactive games because it was very enjoyable and made town hall fun.”
The final performance proved to a last-minute surprise: Principal Gregory Fucheck and English teacher Evelyn Mendez performed a duet of the song “Shallow” from the musical “A Star Is Born.”
Ayden Lema, an 11th grader, enjoyed the day. “This Town Hall was a really good way to start off, ” he said. “The other ones were good but this one seemed more planned and thought out because I really enjoyed the activities this time.”