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Bronx River News

Two students selected for city journalism programs

Jamal Quinones
Fahima Akter and Cesar Jimenez will participate in the Press Pass NYC Fellowship program this coming school year. Cesar also will be working as an intern with City Limits this summer.

Two Bronx River News editors, Fahima Akter and Cesar Jimenez,  have been accepted to prestigious journalism programs. Press Pass NYC, a non-profit that supports school newspapers in the city, invited Fahima and Cesar to participate in its Student Journalism Leadership Fellowship program for the 2024-2025 school year. Additionally, Cesar has also been chosen to participate in the City Limits Accountability Reporting Initiative for youth program. Both of these programs help students to improve their journalism skills, sharpen their social skills and make new friends. They also will learn how to do public service reporting.

Fahima is excited about the opportunity because it’s her “first time doing this kind of fellowship program.” She’s also looking forward to meeting new people and learning new skills.

Cesar is also looking forward to the experience “I feel very honored because I love journalism,” he said.  “Journalism allows me to use my voice for our community.”

 He adds that he looks forward to these opportunities because it allows him “to become a better editor-in-chief for not only our school but our staff.”


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About the Contributors
Tahmina Marjan
Tahmina Marjan, Editor
Tahmina Marjan loves cats and her favorite season is fall.
Mitila Purba
Mitila Purba, Editor
Mitila Purba likes listening to music and enjoys baking cookies.
Jamal Quinones
Jamal Quinones, Photo Editor
Jamal Quinones has many talents that even surprise him. He is a writer, photographer, an athlete and is known as the  "The Rubik's Cube Master."

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  • B

    BryanJun 13, 2024 at 8:30 pm

    That’s my brother cesarito
