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Bronx River News

Morgan Library showcases student work

Advisors Evelyn Mendez and Aimee Cavazzi celebrate their student succeess with members of the art club.

The Morgan Library Museum in Manhattan selected the works of three BRHS students for display in its annual book-making competition. The winning students are Karina Vaga, Howaou Kobeago and Ashley Martinez.

Out of 980 student submissions, Morgan Library only chose five high schools for this honor. After viewing books from the medieval and Renaissance eras, students learned how to write, illustrate and build their own books.

Ashley is happy with the book she created. “I had so much fun in this project,’’ she said.

Karina’s winning design focused on ocean creatures . “ I really like the ocean so my story was about a siren that sang melody and crushed a boat in the ocean and kept a man from the boat and I feel good about my book because my book got chosen in the library museum,’’ she said.

This project took a lot of hard work and determination. The students stayed after school from 2:40 p.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays to get their project done.

The first page of Ashley Martinez’ award-winning book.

Completing the project proved rewarding, even for those whose work didn’t win an award. The other particpating art club members  –  Mir Zannatul, Jahayme Lamar, Khaseim Norteye, Carlos Acosta, Jose Acosta, Miah Reyes  and Fahima (the author of this article) also created books. While doing so, they learned about ancient medieval illuminated manuscripts and learned the process of mixing authentic pigments out of rocks, plant material and dead beetles.

Doing all this proved challenging.  “I had struggled folding the book and folding it straight.” Jahyme  said. “I also had to put in many layers to create color as there were not many options.”

Evelyn Mendez and Aimee Cavazzi served as advisors on the project.  Ms. Mendez viewed the expereince as a great opportunity for the students. “It also can be so good in the college applicaiton,” she said.

This kind of book was very famous in the past. The noble people bought the books to show their wealth and position in society. The library had strict rules about the books, including the following:

  • Can’t mix the color
  • Only use the four primary color (red, green, yellow, blue)
  • Can’t use colors other then the provided color from the library
  • Can’t be all writing (Must use art in some way)
  • Can’t use anything that is not provided from the library other than paint brush


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