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Meet the new Peer Group Leaders

Photo courtesy of PGC group.


The Peer Group Leaders for next year have been selected. The new leaders, who will be juniors and seniors next year, will work with incoming freshmen to help them adapt to high school.

The new leaders are Belinda Edwards , Austin Zhu, Myess Hammouri, Hashan Chowdhury, Victor Huertos, Jomayra Amparo, Angelina Torres, Jordin Brown, Naomi Oyenuga, Kiara Galarza, Jabdiel Alicea, Angel J. Sosa, Britana Owen, Fahima Akter, Luis Carlos G, Juceirys Paula, Jorge Borges, Aliyah Ali, Kelsey Yobah, Lathania Williams, Jamal Quinones, Jannat Chowdhury and Adam LoCoCo. 

In previous years, PGC leaders had to take part in an overnight trip, which sometimes prevented students from being able to participate. This year, the PGC program will switch to a three-day in school program, said Monique Paes, one of the PGC Advisors. This switch allows more students to take part.
The new in-school program in the fall will focus on three sessions led by Paes and Takiyah Brown, the other advisor. On the first day , there will be a session to get to know each other and the other selected members. On the second and third day , there will be Peer Group Connection [PGC] training. These sessions leaders work with their assigned groups of ninth graders next school year. 


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Aliyah Ali
Aliyah Ali, Social Media Editor
Aliyah Ali is the oldest of three younger siblings. She loves to write, read, sketch and create music.

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