A lively and creative Town Hall on the last day before Spring Break lifted everyone’s spirits and helped relieve the stress of school from projects, tests and mock Regents.

The April 19 event celebrated different cultures. Students and staff members had a fun time whether it was watching from the audience or participating. Anju Dance, a company that supports many dance forms that capture the spirit of India, performed wonderfully at our school. By wearing traditional attire and doing dances that capture the spirit of their nation, numerous students and teachers also added to the town hall’s cultural theme.
The school also presented its Logic Awards to deserving students: Freshman Roua Yabai, sophomore David Gregarek, junior Khasiem Norteye and senior Anastacia Vidot won the Love of Learning award. Freshmen Desthy Garcia, sophomore Freda Sarpong, junior Miah Reyes, and senior Daniel Mullins won Mr. O’s optimism. Freshman Brian Michaca, sophomore Belinda Edwards, junior Anagh Das, and senior Jolie Francis won the award for grit.Freshman Briana Colon, sophomore Lathania Williams, junior Gabriella Pinelli, and senior Felix Romero won the award for intellectual curiosity. Freshman Alexa Figueroa, sophomore Iker Hernandez, junior Fahima Akter, and senior Ariel Quiles won the award for caring.