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Miah Reyes: Artistry from the heart

Fahima Akter
Fellow art students selected Miah Reyes as the artist of the month.

Miah Reyes, 11th grade student in Bronx River High School, won the artist of the month award.

Q: How long have you been creating art?

A: I have been creating art since I was in elementary school.

Q: What inspired you to create art?
A: I get inspired from the movies and TV shows I watch and I also have certain interests when I create art.

Q: Are there any artists from the past or today that inspire you? Why?

A: I really like Frida Kahlo because she puts a lot of emotion and creativity into her art pieces.

Q: How does creating art make you feel?

A: Creating art makes me happy because I can express my feelings and emotions through my art.

Q: When it comes to art, what is your preferred tool? Why?

A: I like to use pencil and paints because it’s easy to use and I create better art pieces using pencil and paints then the other art tools.

Q: Did you learn how to draw or already knew how to draw?

A: I already know how to draw andI also watched art videos on YouTube.

Q: What would you say your general skill range?

A: I would say 6 out of 10 because I can only draw landscapes but I’m willing to learn new skills and open to new ideas when it comes to art.

Q: Is there anything you have trouble with in the world of art?

A: I have a hard time drawing animals and realistis characters.

Q: What is something you see other artists do that you dislike?

A: I don’t like when someone uses too much color in a piece of art that would have looked good with simple and less colors.

Q: Do you consider pursuing art as a career or just a hobby?

A: It’s just a hobby because I love animals a lot and I want to have a job where I will interfere with all kinds of animals.

Q: What piece of art that you’ve done that you like the most?Why?

A: My most favorite artwork was the Morgan Library art book and water color because it’s new for me and I did really well on both of them.

Q: What is your favorite type of art style? Why?

A: I really like cartoon art because it’s fun and creative. Also realistic art is too hard for me.

Q: What does your drawing/painting/artwork mean to you?

A: For me my artwork represents who I am as a person, my emotion and my style.

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About the Contributor
Fahima Akter
Fahima Akter, Managing Editor
Fahima Akter is a thoughtful student who enjoys hanging out with her friends. She has been selected as a Press Pass NYC Fellow.

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