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District says no to remote Fridays

NYC said no to Bronx Rivers proposal to offer students and staff a remote option on Fridays next year.
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NYC said no to Bronx River’s proposal to offer students and staff a remote option on Fridays next year.

The NYC Department of Education turned down Bronx River’s proposal for remote learning but left open the possibility at a later date. The proposed plan included implementing a remote learning day once a week on Fridays.

This initiative aimed to enhance student attendance and provide greater convenience for both students and teachers.
The program had four main goals:

  • Developing, implementing, and expanding high-quality virtual learning programs for all students who opt for this option
  • Assisting students in achieving their full potential and preparing for success after graduation
  •  Scaling virtual instruction and related services for eligible students, catering to their needs for virtual learning and hybrid scheduling
  • Creating new and appealing professional experiences and career opportunities

Principal Greg Fucheck plans a follow-up meeting to discuss the proposal further. If a revised proposal is accepted at a later date, there is a possibility of implementing a remote day once a week the following year.

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Mitila Purba
Mitila Purba, Editor
Mitila Purba likes listening to music and enjoys baking cookies.

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