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Bronx River News

Darrison Amarante hopes to play baseball in college

Fahima Acker
Darrison Amarante in his Lehman Lions Baseball uniform.

Darrison Amarante, a 10th grader, plays varsity baseball for the Lehman Lions.

Q: What inspired you to play this sport?
A: My inspiration is my nationality as baseball is the most famous sport in the Dominican Republic.
Q: How long have you been playing?
A: I’ve been playing for eight years.
Q: What is your position on the team?
A: My position is outfield and infield.
Q: What is the best part about playing this sport?
A: The best part about playing this sport is batting.
Q: What is the most challenging part about participating in this sport?
A: We have to work really hard and practice for the game.
Q: Describe what a typical meet or game is like?
A: There’s a lot of rules in baseball and sometimes I get nervous while playing but it’s really fun.
Q: What was your team record last year?
A: We had 11 wins and 5 losses last year and so far this year we  have won 8 games.
Q: How do you feel like the season is going so far?
A: The season is going really well.
Q: How have you improved from last year?
A: I’ve improved a lot because I’ve practiced the whole summer.
Q: What advice do you have for others who want to participate in this sport?
A: I’d advise them to not give up easily.
Q: What are you and your team’s goals for the season? Explain.
A: We don’t want to lose any games and we want to participate in the championship.
Q: When you graduate from high school, do you plan to continue playing any sports?
A: I will continue playing baseball in college and I want to be a professional baseball player.

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Ulfat Chowdhury
Ulfat Chowdhury, Copy Editor
Ulfat Chowdhury, a senior, likes crocheting, reading books and cats.

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