This recent marking period has been very stressful. There were many projects to do, tests to take, and work to complete and turn in. It went by all so fast, yet so slow.
In English 10, we had to do a five-page research paper and we did a lot to prepare for this. We had to find at least six source cards and complete eight note cards. These were all meant to help us and make things easier, which it did.
Geometry I had a lot of packets to turn in. We had a test to take and it was extremely hard. Not many people in my class passed, but luckily I was able to.
Earth Science was a lot of work to complete in one period. It is hard to focus when you have to communicate with your group members and check in with your teacher constantly. I was able to get most of my work done.
In Spanish we had a project, which we also heavily prepared for. We learned -ar verbs, and we also created our schedule for this project. We had to learn how to say our periods in Spanish, and why our classes were important.
In Global it was very interesting. We learned about the Cold War between the USSR and USA. The work was sometimes difficult, or a lot to comprehend, but overall it was pretty fun and informative. I am missing some work from this class though, which is why I struggled sometimes.
All in all, it went pretty well and I managed to get all of my work done before this marking period ended. I had a lot of last minute work, but it was satisfying to watch my grade improve after turning in all of my incomplete work.
Reflecting on stress of first marking period
Jomayra Amparo, Staff Writer
March 24, 2024
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Jomayra Amparo, Columnist
Jomayra Amparo enjoys the rain, nature and eating.

Jamal Quinones, Photo Editor
Jamal Quinones has many talents that even surprise him. He is a writer, photographer, an athlete and is known as the “The Rubik’s Cube Master.”