We’ve all sighed hearing the phrase “back to school” at some point in our lives. Afterall, no one truly wants vacation to end. Nonetheless, school is inevitable, so here we are once again. Let’s take a look at how some of the students at Bronx River High School feel about coming back to school.

Gabriella Amparo, freshman: “Pretty tiring. Some people looked at me funny and I didn’t really appreciate it.”
Gabriella’s favorite teacher is Mr. Schwenzfeier because he makes math easy for her.
“My favorite classes are a little bit of living environment, and a little bit of math on a good day. It’s been good days recently.”
She feels indifferent towards the next four years awaiting for her.
Nicholas Gonzalez, freshman: “School has been pretty nice and chill most days. I’ve made a group of friends already.”
Nicholas finds teachers and staff welcoming and caring. His favorite class is history because of his teacher, Mr. Rabeje, who is very calm. “Right now, my favorite teacher is Mr. Rabeje.”

Zoe Reyes, freshman: “Better than expected, I made friends easily and my schedule is easy to remember.” Zoe’s favorite class so far is earth science. “Earth science is my favorite class because of Myess and Mateo.”
Zoe’s favorite teachers are Ms. Jack and Ms. Moya because they’re chill.
Miguel Modesti, freshman: “School’s been really good because the classes are easy and the building is easy to get around.” Miguel’s favorite period is advisory because all of his friends are in his advisory and his favorite teacher is his advisor, Ms. Ram. “I’m definitely looking forward to the next couple of years here, I will actually be leaving in three years since I’m advanced.”
Naomi Oyenuga, sophomore: “In my personal experience, the first couple of days of school were enjoyable because I was able to reunite with my friends.” Naomi is looking forward to Spanish regents even though not everyone looks forward to it. “I have three favorite classes right now.” She likes reading intensive because Ms. Kemm likes playing wordle. She also enjoys Spanish because she finds learning languages to be interesting. Additionally, Naomi appreciates having her advisor teach her earth science.
Sebastian Perez, sophomore: “Boring, I slept in almost every class. I don’t like school.” “English is my favorite class, I like the teacher. She’s very chill.”
Natalia Mann, sophomore: “Very slow and sluggish because of my sleeping schedule.” “Spanish is my favorite class so far since I already know some Spanish.” At the moment, Natalia’s favorite teacher is Mr. Himed.
Ruben Santiago, junior: “School feels pretty good so far.”
Ruben is liking his classes so far, specifically U.S. history and PGC.
He likes U.S. History because he enjoys learning about the past and finds it interesting.
“I like PGC because I want to guide the incoming freshmen onto a good path.”

Michael Vega, junior: “The first few days have been pretty good. I was able to see some of my favorite teachers like Dennis the Menace (Mr. Lucid) and catch up with my friends.” A minor issue Michael has is getting used to going back to school.
“My favorite class is U.S. history because it is easy and interesting.”
Ruben is liking his classes so far, specifically U.S. history and PGC. He likes U.S. History because he enjoys learning about the past and finds it interesting. “I like PGC because I want to guide the incoming freshmen onto a good path.”
Scarlette Manzanarez, junior: “Pretty chill so far.” Scarlette’s favorite class is geometry because she likes math. “My favorite teacher is Mr. Himed, I feel comfortable to talk to him and ask questions.”

Gabriel Gallardo, junior: “School is super easy and very fast-paced right now. There’s no real work yet, so I’m waiting for the workload to hit.” Gabriel’s favorite class is art. It’s always been enjoyable, easy, and inspirational for him. “My favorite teacher is Mr. Himed. I’ve had him since freshman year and he’s very real and easy to talk to.”
Blair Misir, junior: “Pretty good, but boring.” Blair’s favorite teacher is Mr. Lucid because he is very entertaining and funny. “My favorite class is gym because I like to sit down.”
Carlos Cruz, senior: “ The first few days have been fun, it’s very exciting to see the new students.” So far, Carlos’ favorite class is art because he really enjoys it. His favorite teacher is Ms. Rodriguez.

Adam Schwenzfeier, Algebra I teacher: “School has been going well so far and students have been behaving.” As of right now, it’s too early for Mr. Schwenzfeier to choose a favorite class, but he finds all of the freshmen to be very respectful. “The freshmen will add to our school community, join clubs and get more involved.”

Starr Giscombe, assistant principal: “My first day of school was on August 17th. As administrator, there’s lots of paperwork, lessons, and powerpoints.”
Ms. Giscombe says that it’s something new that she’s been working toward. “Honestly, my interaction with students has decreased a lot, sadly.”
Ms. Giscombe adds that she likes saying hi to students in the halls and misses us a lot.
Christiana James • Sep 19, 2023 at 10:50 am
I am so happy to see my pgc kid, Mitila, publishing an article. She is one of my favs and I am anticipating on seeing more from her. Great one here, good job everyone