Alexandra Lee named Artist of the Month
Alexandra Lee, a junior, has been selected as artist of the month at Bronx River High School.
Q: How long have you been creating art?
A: Ever since I was a kid, like elementary
Q: What inspires you to create art?
A: The emotion and feelings derived in art.
Q: How does creating art make you feel?
A: It makes me feel good because it is like therapy for me.
Q: When it comes to art, what is your preferred tool?
A: The paint brushes and also the colors because it’s been my favorite ever since I was a kid and was doing art.
Q: Did you learn how to draw? Or did you always know how to draw?
A: I will say I was self-taught because I knew how to draw as a kid.
Q: Is there anything you have trouble with when it comes to the world of art?
A: I will say I have troubles with being precise or accurate and also being neat. This is because art needs more patience to look perfect.
Q: Are you considering pursuing art as a career or would you prefer doing it as a hobby?
A: I have never thought about that but it is something to keep in mind.
Q: What piece of art that you have done do you like the most? Why do you like it? What is the message?
A: I think the mandala because it is one of my artworks that leads into expressing emotions. It got me to leave my comfort zone and explore more.
Christiana James is a senior at Bronx River High School. She loves to watch movies at her leisure time and is a PGC leader.