Sports Profile: Aniya LaForest
What sport do you play ? Basketball
How long have you been playing the sport? 10 years
What is you position on the team? Small forward.
Do you have a leadership role on the team? Yes. I’m the leading scorer. (In 10 games., she has scored 174 points, made 111 rebounds and had 25 assists.
Why did you choose to play this sport? My uncle and people in my family who played.
What is the best part of the sport? The feeling of scoring.
What is the most challenging part about participating in sports? Coaches
What is a typical game like? Stressful and nerve racking
What is your team record ? As of Jan. 30, 9-2.
What advice do you have for others who also want to participate? Listen to your coaches and don’t be lazy.
When you graduate from high school ,do you plan to continue playing this sport? Yes because I truly love the sport.